Never giving up, always smelling the flowers, love my husband Steve, sister Kelly, many friends and beloved pet Indi B ~ Most of all I love being Just Donna

Being me is about creating, walking in the countryside or along the sea shore, writing, travelling with my man, playing with my jack-russell, spending precious time with friends and practice daily, being an example in the world. Learning always from those who are real ~ in the moment. I chose to be here right now ~ in gratitude and in awe for this wonderful earth we have, enjoying the seasons as they come and go.

Even though I have been living with diabetes for approximately 24 years now, 2021 had been a bit of a whirl wind to say the least. In all my (at the time) 58 years I had never been admitted to hospital then April 2nd happened, I was admitted to The Royal United in Bath ~ long story short I was told I’d had a heart attack! Couldn’t believe it at first ~ two stents fitted and eight weeks rehabilitation with a manual at home, life was certainly different. I would say my body had to work in a different way as it would take a year for the stents to embed. I didn’t quite get used to the medication that slows everything down. I was told that the good the medication does, far outweighed the side effects even though one created a major hemorrhage in my right eye, hmmm!

July 15th back into hospital with appendicitis and sepsis, I have to say learning about sepsis frightened me more than being told I’d had a heart attack. It is an extremely dangerous reaction to infection and has silently claimed many lives, I was shocked! I was then told my appendix had grown behind the colon. This made it complicated for the consultant to remove it. Plus being on blood thinners at the time didn’t help. Apparently in Scandinavia they don’t remove it, they’ve done a five year study whereby people with acute appendicitis are given strong antibiotics and nil by mouth whilst in hospital. So suffice to say I still have the appendix ~ August 26th 2021 I was informed I have gallstones too and it didn’t end there, a fatty liver has been added in the mix at the end of 2023!

I don’t think anyone could go through this and not feel out of sorts. I honestly thought I was going mad in November 2019 ~ I started to question myself, asking ‘what’s the matter with you?’ I knew I was unwell and obviously not knowing how unwell I really was, I began to isolate myself because I couldn’t deal with people, life and every day living.

World events of 2020 took everything out of my hands ~ there was an excuse to stay at home. The pressure of going outside, gone! Time and more time to read, listen and reflect. Who am I really? What am I here for honestly?

Many will say you find out who your friends are when illness strikes and I have to say I have been truly blessed and thank those who have supported me throughout. You know who you are and I send much love to you all xXx

What now? I continue to read and teach tarot ~ this has been a part of me for over forty years now. I love to help others to understand the truth of who they really are. The long search for answers truly lay within each and every one of us ~ if only we take the time to listen.

I have learnt an awful lot and spent much time healing by spending my recovery time doing course work through OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids). Something I had been considering before I became ill. It is one of the best things I have done, especially for self growth.

Here we are now in 2025 where huge shifts are a foot and I am being guided once again to make changes. My Soul knows the answers and I am being gently nudged to share the wisdom and knowledge that has been shared with me.

My role now is to grab hold of that confidence that was upended and sat on its backside and get back out in the world to be of service in the way I know how ~ teaching on a Soul level to all who are drawn and ready to join in. We have much work to do and I am excited – sending you all much love X

Header Image by John Hain from Pixabay