Image by Lolame from Pixabay

Scary Right! Straying away from your home comforts
walking into unknown territory, even though you research
and research until your head wants to explode.
Life, yes wonderful expansive life ~ what it can offer
if only you allow it. Go with the flow, take charge, take a
risk even. Who knows once you’ve taken a leap of faith
what doors will open hey.
Coming at the time of Winter when all retreat, hibernate,
sleep if you will. Take time out from the roller coaster
of living. Time to ponder, get rid of the old and unwanted
clutter. Ready for Spring, recharge the batteries ~ yes
lets recharge the batteries. Build a firm foundation to
Spring from in 2024!
So what have you learnt from this last year? How have
you grown? What have you let go of? What no longer
serves you? Where have you made some changes?
When are you going to believe in yourself? Who can be
of assistance? The time is now!
I turned sixty this year and have spent most of 2023 in
my own shadow. Sorting all the crap ~ yep I said crap!
All the things that weigh us down. Am I good enough?
Am I capable? Have I got it in me? Answer: Hell yes!
I don’t feel sixty, anyway what is sixty supposed to feel
like? I know death is closer, however if I choose to look
back there are many times I should have left this beautiful
Planet. Surviving many an accident not forgetting a heart
attack. I am really supposed to be here ~ they don’t want
me yet.
Life is for living micro living, in the moment. We can plan
ahead. We can take a quick glance back and live life now.
Go on. . . you deserve the very best of ‘Life.’

Just take a moment to look at the beauty of the dragonfly.
They are known to spend 5 to 7 years in the water before
they come from water into the air. What does that teach you?